getting kids to eat their healthy school lunches poses some problems

March 12, 2015 by shahzaib1578



A Healthy Eating Program Plan for Schools.
Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, supported by the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and signed into law by President Obama, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) set out nutrition standards for school meals. The aim is to help raise a healthier generation of children who will be less vulnerable to adverse effects from obesity and poor dietary habits.
These innovative reforms will impact positively on children’s health in a way that is achievable in schools across the nation.
participate in sportsChildren who participate in sports will benefit from more stamina and better performance levels when nutritious meals are eaten on a regular basis. Kids in general will also be more resistant to succumbing to colds and flu and other infections when the new nutrition standards for school meals is fully under way.

Putting nutritious and healthy food on the plate is not enough if the kids don’t eat!
The results of a recent study in Utah suggested that a simple solution of moving lunchtime until after recess prompted kids to eat more and waste less. The theory is that children are hungrier after recess, and as they were not in a rush to get out and play, were inclined to eat more. The lunchroom also became a much calmer, more orderly area.
Researchers noted that after conducting studies at some schools which had switched the order of lunch/recess, there was a measurable per child improvement in the consumption of fruit and veggies.
Children who came from less affluent homes where fruit and vegetables are not in plentiful supply, were encouraged to eat healthy meals which afforded nutrition that they might not be getting at home.

healthy futureThe future generation.
The children of today are the generations of tomorrow. Improving the quality of school meals for every child across the nation is an important step in building a healthy future for our kids. Parents at home need to do their part a by encouraging their children to eat more healthily. Reducing the amount of junk food consumed is also critical.
Schools should also strongly consider changing the lunch/recess order which could motivate students to eat better meals.
The implementing of this simple suggestion could be the answer to years of struggling to get children to finish eating the school lunches and so put an end to the frustrations of the lunch ladies.

If you have questions about proper nutrition for you or your family, contact our specialists at Orthopedic Surgery San Diego.

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